Saturday, August 13, 2016

Cucumber Tuna Bites

Cucumber Tuna Bites


2tbsp Mayo
1 Can of Tuna
2tbsp Red Onion
1 Large Cucumber
1tsp Dill Weed
1/4tsp Ground Pepper
1/4 Avocado

 Total Calories = 400

 - Mix tuna (drained), mayo, dill and ground pepper and set aside
 - Peel the cucumber and cut into bite size slices
 - Use the end of the peeler to hollow out the middle of the cucumber slices,     taking out the seeds
 - fill the cucumber cups with tuna

 -Top with slices of avocado and enjoy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Basket of Sunshine

A very good friend of mine, Katy, dropped this off on my doorstep last week. She knew I was having a rough time and wanted to cheer me up with this incredibly thoughtful gift basket. "It's a sunshine box of yummy treats and fun things " as she put it. This definitely put a smile on my face and I thought it was too sweet not to share. If you have a friend who's hurting and is in need of some cheering up, this is a wonderful way to show you care. 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

Tasty and healthy! This is my awesome hubby's creation and I'm excited to share it. Brendan had to create his own recipe because we were missing a lot of key ingredients to a bunch of other recipes we found online.We haven't really cooked with quinoa or eaten it more than a couple of times so being experimental was kind of a shot in the dark, but he wanted to give it a try. To be completely honest, I wasn't expecting it to come out very good because we didn't have a lot to work with and I thought it might come out a little too plain or bland.  But boy was I wrong! I'm very impressed with Brendan's cooking skills and he definitely proved that sometimes the simplest recipes (meaning fewer ingredients) are the tastiest.

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

roasted peppers
coat in olive oil
grill for 4-6 min till skin starts to peel, or oven @ 450 for about 15 min, more or less depending how soft you like the peppers

1 cup quinoa
2 cups chicken/veg stock

-bring quinoa to boil, then turn down to low/med for 10-12 min till quinoa is fluffy, toss with a fork

half red onion
cloves of garlic
garlic salt
roma tomatoes

-caramelize onions and garlic, add garlic salt and pepper to mix
-add tomatoes after onions are caramelized
-continue cooking on low/med for about 5 min, stir occasionally
-add the quinoa, add parsley, stir it all up
-spoon into peppers

* the mix of sweet and savory in the sauce makes the quinoa delicious, even if you usually don't like quinoa

*serve with corn on the cob, salad or any other side you like. Enjoy!


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Week 5 of Wednesday to Wednesday Weightloss and Wellness

Week 5

Goal #1: My goal for this week is to try not eating after 5pm. No snacking or late dinners for the week. This is not just a goal, it's a bad habit to break. I love eating late at night and it's definitely something that needs to change.

Goal #2: This week I think it's important to maintain my goals from previous weeks. Since my ultimate goal is a complete lifestyle change, it's crucial that I keep up with drinking enough water, exercising throughout the week, and making overall healthy choices.


Starting Weight: 187.7`

Breakfast: Red Grapefruit (0.5 cup)
                 Everything Bagel Thins
                 Cream Cheese (2Tbsp)
                 Coffee with Cream

Lunch: Teriyaki Chicken with Broccoli and White Rice

Dinner (4:45pm): Portobello Mushroom and Shrimp Alfredo (1cup) and side salad.

Water: 9 Cups 
 Steps: 6,315

Total Calories Consumed: 995
Total Calories Burned: 222


Breakfast: Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
                Chocolate Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Shake

Lunch: Chipotle Carnitas Burrito
*My burrito ended up being over 1200 calories! I didn't realize this until I went home and counted it all out. Be careful when choosing your ingredients. 

Dinner (4pm): Baby Spinach Salad

Water: 8 Cups 

Exercise: Zumba Fitness

Total Calories Consumed: 1,946
Total Calories Burned: 1,062


Breakfast: Coffee with Cream
               Chocolate Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Shake

Lunch: BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad

Dinner(5:15pm): Roasted Chicken with rosemary potatoes and baked green beans

Snacks: Ice Tea and Lemonade 

Water:10 Cups

Steps: 13,087

Total Calories Consumed: 1,667
Total Calories Burned: 850


****Girls Night Out****

This movie was HILARIOUS! I would definitely recommend it. I didn't count calories but lets just say there were lots of drinks and yummy bad food (and I don't even feel guilty).


Breakfast: Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
                 2 Fried Eggs
                 Whole Wheat Toast with Butter

Lunch: I tried Pho for the first time this week! It was so delicious! The calories from what I could gather are around 350-450 depending on what you add. Not bad if you ask me. We also had shrimp spring rolls with peanut sauce (around 120 calories per roll with sauce).

Dinner: Grilled Steak and Salad 
Drink: 2 Blueberry Mint Mojitos

Water: 10 cups

*The day was spent with friends and I don't have an exact calorie count for the day. Roughly around 1,700


Breakfast:  Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
                 Chocolate Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Shake

Lunch: Kale and Cabbage Salad with Steak

Dinner: Clam Chowder
Snacks: Raw Blueberries (1cup)

Exercise: Elliptical, Weight-Lifting, Treadmill, and Stretching  

Steps: 11,457

Water: 11 Cups


*Family Issues Took Priority

Wednesday Weigh-In and Week Overview 

Ending Weight: 185.5
Total Weight loss for the week: 2.2lbs
I lost over 2lbs this week! I honestly can't believe it. I definitely indulged over the weekend and didn't stick to my goals as much as I would've liked, so I wasn't expecting that number on the scale. I also have had some family issues that ended up taking over Monday evening and Tuesday, so I apologize for leaving stuff out. 
Starting this online journal I had no idea how many bumps in the road there would be. I definitely  thought it would go a bit more smoothly. But this is life. It's messy and imperfect and it's so easy to get frustrated and feel like giving up at times. I think the biggest lesson for me is going to be staying positive and focused even if I don't don't see immediate results or even if I have setbacks. This week is a perfect example of that. Despite setbacks and not eating as well as I would've liked, I still lost weight because I am making positive changes and healthier choices overall.  

Friday, July 29, 2016

Week 4 of Wednesday to Wednesday Weightloss and Wellness

Week 4

Goal #1: Last week my goal was to make sure I was getting  a daily walk in. I did quite well with that. There were a couple of days that I missed but overall I averaged a walk of 2-4 miles, 5 out of the 7 days that week. I find that my overall day goes a lot better on days that I walk. I have more energy, feel less stressed and irritable, and aren't in as much pain as I am on days when I'm not moving as much. So if that's not motivation to get moving, I don't know what is! This coming up week I want to really focus on reducing the amount of sugar in my diet. As I mentioned in my intro, this has been something that I have struggled with for as long as I can remember. I am the epitome of a "sugar addict!" Those chocolate bars in the checkout line at the grocery store are just as hard to resist now as they were as a child. Only now I don't have my mom saying "no!"  This week I will work on my self control (something that I'm not that great at) and will not be indulging in desserts (I love desserts and treats such as ice cream and chocolate so this will be difficult), will be conscientious of the added sugar in the items that I cook, and will be steadily reducing the amount of sugar in my morning coffee. I'm currently at about 2-3 teaspoons per 12oz cup. Trying to get down to 1 teaspoon and then hopefully none! 

Goal #2: Last week my 2nd goal was to increase my water intake. I did consistently well with this until I came down with the flu. Which obviously isn't great since staying well hydrated during illness is extremely important. But I felt so bad that the thought of so much water made me nauseous. For this coming up week my goal will be to start going to bed earlier. This has been a bit of a challenge for me since the evenings are my only time of the day that I get to do things for myself. My 2 children occupy the rest of my day. So I find myself staying up until midnight most nights to get in some me time. But this isn't working well for me since my 5 month old son wakes up a few of times a night to nurse then wakes up for the day between 6:00am-7:00am. Therefore I have been averaging about 4-5 hours of broken up sleep a night, if I'm lucky.  Sleep is very important for my overall mental health. I am not one that does well with less than 7-8 hours of sleep a night. I am cranky, more stressed, and extremely irritable the whole next day which obviously isn't pleasant for my family to have to deal with.


Starting Weight: 159.8

Breakfast: 1 slice of multigrain toast with 1 tbsp of peanut butter
                 12oz Coffee (with 2 tbsp of cream and 2 tsp of sugar)

Lunch: Ham sandwich on multigrain bread w/ lite miracle whip, spinach, cheese, and tomato

Dinner: 4 oz hamburger  on wheat bun with sauteed mini peppers, mushrooms, and onions

Snacks: Almonds (1 oz )

Water: 10 Cups 

Exercise: Walked at a brisk pace for 2 miles

 Steps: 8,157

Total Calories Consumed: 1,896
Total Calories Burned: 294


Breakfast: 12 oz Coffee  (3tbsp of cream & 2 tsp of sugar)
                  1 cup Great Grains crunchy pecan cereal
                  0.8 cups 1% milk
Lunch: 2 slices multigrain bread
             1 tbsp peanut butter
             1 tbsp strawberry jam

Dinner: Whole wheat spaghetti noodles with meat sauce

Snacks: Strawberries (1 cup)
             Cherries (1 cup)

Water: 9 Cups

Exercise: Walked at a brisk pace for 2 miles 

Steps: 6,180

Total Calories Consumed: 1,985
Total Calories Burned: 287


Breakfast: 12oz coffee (2tbsp cream & 2 tsp sugar)
                  2 slices multigrain toast
                  1 tbsp peanut butter
                  1 tbsp strawberry jam

Lunch: 3oz chicken breast
        5 oz russet potato
        1 oz cheddar cheese
        2 tbsp barbeque sauce

Dinner: Homemade grilled chicken tacos
              Black beans

Snacks: 1 oz almonds
             1 small banana
             Chips and mango salsa

Water: 10 Cups

Exercise: Walked at a brisk pace for 45 min

Steps: 5,432

Total Calories Consumed: 2,446
Total Calories Burned: 114


Breakfast: 12oz Coffee (3tbsp of cream & 2 tsp of sugar)
                  4 pieces of turkey bacon

Lunch: 2 veggie tacos
             Multigrain tortilla chips with mango salsa

Dinner: 1.5 cups of pesto penne pasta
             1 slice of garlic bread
             1 small side salad with ranch dressing

Snacks: 1 medium apple

Water: 12 cups

Exercise: Walked at a brisk pace for 4 mile

Steps:  15,516

Total Calories Consumed: 1,771
Total Calories Burned: 872


Breakfast: 12oz Coffee  (3tbsp of cream & 2 tsp sugar)
                 4 pieces of bacon
                 2 biscuits with strawberry jam
                 1 cup of hashbrowns

Lunch: Ham sandwich on multigrain bread w/ lite miracle whip, spinach, cheese, and tomato

Dinner: 4 oz chicken breast
             1 cup steamed brocolli
             1 cup steamed carrots

Snacks: Quinoa chips

Water: 11 cups

Exercise: None

Steps: 4,466

Total Calories Consumed: 1,781
Total Calories Burned: 0


Breakfast: 12oz Coffee (3tbsp of cream & 2tsp sugar)
                  1 slice of multigrain toast with 1 tbsp of peanut butter

Lunch: : Ham sandwich on multigrain bread w/ lite miracle whip, spinach, cheese, and tomatos

Dinner: 1.5 cups homemade Goulash 

Snacks: 1 med orange
Water: 9 Cups

Exercise: Walked at a brisk pace for 2 miles

Steps: 10,685

Total Calories Consumed: 1,895
Total Calories Burned: 368


Breakfast: 12oz Coffee  (3tbsp of cream & 2 tsp sugar)
                  Multi grain toast with 1tbsp of peanut butter               

Lunch: 4 oz homemade cheeseburger with sautéed sweet peppers and mushrooms on a whole wheat bun and brocolli, asparagus, carrots, kale, greenbeans

Dinner: 4 oz chicken
             1 cup brocolli
             1 cup carrots
             1 side salad with italian dressing

Snack: 1 medium orange
            Hummus with sweet peppers
Water: 11 Cups 

Exercise: Walked at a brisk pace for 3 mile

Steps: 10,885

Total Calories Consumed:2,120

Total Calories Burned: 465

Wednesday Weigh-In and Week Overview 

Ending Weight: 156.8

Total Weight Loss for the week: 2lbs

Part of this week was spent in the mountains in Georgia on a much needed mini family vacation. Because of this I didn't eat as well as I would have liked. I tried to cook as much as I could at the cabin but still ended up going out to eat some too. I struggle with knowing what to order at restaurants. I use to go for salads but after doing some research I've learned that salads at most restaurants normally have more calories than some of the entrees! So I'm still working on finding better options. We hardly go out to eat anymore these days anyways in an attempt to save money so it's not that big of an issue. But I would like to feel more confident that what I order doesn't end up being my entire days calories in one meal!

My Favorite Shake

Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Shake 

This is my absolute favorite protein shake! It's only 320 calories and has 24g of protein, which is a great way to start the morning. Eating breakfast is normally a chore for me, I'm not always hungry first thing, but I need fuel to start the day. I'm currently attempting to workout mid-mornings during the week and this is the perfect shake before I hit the gym. I tried drinking this shake for the first time before doing a Zumba class (where I usually burns over 550 calories a class) and I had noticeable increase in energy. To top it off, it's without a doubt the best tasting protein shake I've ever had. If you have a sweet tooth like me, you wont be disappointed!


1 Scoop Chocolate Fitmiss Delight 
2 Tbsp (heaping) Organic PBfit
8oz Vanilla Almond Milk 
1 Banana 
Ice or water as needed 

Blend, Serve and Enjoy! 

***I'm normally not a huge almond milk fan, but for this shake, it tastes delicious! 


Chocolate Fitmiss Delight
- Amazon Prime $25.47

Organic PBfit
- Costco $11.99

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week 3 of Wednesday to Wednesday Weightloss and Wellness

Week 3

Goal #1: Water! My first goal will be to drink at LEAST 8 glasses of water a day or more. For whatever reason, I really struggle with drinking enough water everyday. The only time in my life that I drank a healthy amount of water, was during pregnancies and breast feeding.

Drinking water throughout the day is so important for weight-loss and wellness. It replenishes the body, flushes out toxins, improves digestive health, increases the rate at which the body burns fat, and promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells. There is now scientific research that has found drinking two glasses of water before each meal suppresses your appetite and overall food intake. There are so many reasons why drinking plenty of water is beneficial and essential in good health and losing weight.


Goal #2: Meal Prep. I've never done a meal prep before but I always see my friends doing them on social media and they're usually related to weight-loss. This week my friend Katy showed me one of her favorite recipes for a meal prep for the week. She made this meal divided by 6 (picture on the left) , while I took notes and taste tested (a very important job in case that's unclear).

This meal prep includes: 2 Turkey Meatloaf Muffins
                                           Baked Sweet Potato Mash
                                           Sauteed Squash anZucchini
                                           Steamed Broccoli
                                          Total Calories=350

This was so good and filling for only 350 calories! I was very impressed to say the least.

Summer with the kids has been so incredibly busy with all of their activities, classes, play dates, etc. We're constantly on the go each day.  I've been eating fast food more than I'd like to admit. And while I still attempt to make healthy choices when ordering at a fast food restaurant, it's still processed and ultimately unhealthy. It's a bad habit that I need to break and having a meal ready to go that's healthy and filling is essential staying on track. 


Starting Weight: 189.5`

Breakfast: Coffee with Cream and
                 Greek Yogurt (Almond Coco Loco Flip) 

Lunch: Asian Sesame Chopped Salad

Dinner: Quinoa Enchilada Bake

Dessert: Apple Crisp Oatmeal Bake

Snacks: Mozzarella Cheese Snack (Costco)

Water: 8 Cups 

Exercise: Walking 30 Minutes (mod. pace) and Calisthenics 15 Minutes
 Steps: 9,061

Total Calories Consumed:1,270
Total Calories Burned: 645


Breakfast: Coffee with Cream
                 Greek Yogurt (Almond Coco Loco Flip) 

Lunch: Santa Fe Chicken Salad (Trader Joe's)

Dinner: 2 Slices of Pepperoni Pizza

Snacks: Grapefruit

Dessert: Gelato Affigato (gelato with espresso poured on top)

This dessert is fabulous! It's definitely a sweet splurge, but for 203 Calories, I'd say it's worth it!

Water: 10 Cups 


Exercise: Walking Brisk Pace 35 Minutes 

Total Calories Consumed:1,373
Total Calories Burned: 632


Breakfast: Coffee with Cream
                 1/2 Grapefruit with a tsp of sugar 

Lunch: 2 Fresco Steak Tacos

Dinner: Medium Baked Sweet Potato
             Garlic Bread
             Shrimp (sauteed in butter)
             Spinach Salad

Snacks: Chocolate Delight Protein Shake w/PB Powder and Almond Milk
             2 Oreos
Water: 8 Cups

Steps: 12,137

Total Calories Consumed: 1,830
Total Calories Burned: 845


Breakfast: Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
Lunch: Meal Prep Lunch

Dinner: BBQ with friends  

Water: Roughly 10 cups 

Fitbit was charging this day 

Total Calories Consumed:More than normal
Total Calories Burned: Less than normal


Breakfast: Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
                  1 Fried Egg and Tortilla with Green Chili
                  Cup of Blueberries 

Lunch: Veggie Sandwich

Dinner: Blue Cheese Spinach Salad with Chicken

Snacks: Carrots and Ranch

Water: 10 cups

Steps: 7, 189

Total Calories Consumed: 1,362
Total Calories Burned: 554


Troy and Brendan's Birthday!

- I didn't spend a single minute counting calories or food logging and I'm okay with that.


Breakfast:Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
                  1 Fried Egg and Tortilla with Green Chili
                  Cup of Blueberries 
Lunch: Meal Prep Lunch

Dinner: 3 Fresco Steak Tacos

Water: 11 Cups 

Exercise: 35 Minutes of Walking at a Brisk Pace

Steps: 21,883!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay me!!!!

Total Calories Consumed:1,028

Total Calories Burned:1,192

Wednesday Weigh-In and Week Overview 

Ending Weight: 187.7

Total Weight Loss for the week: 1.7 lbs.

I will start with the positive and say that I'm happy the scale is moving in the right direction. I'm also very proud of  myself for meeting my water goal and even going above some days. However, I  promised I would be honest in this process, so I must also say that I feel frustrated with the work to results ratio. In other words, I'm not losing as much as I would like to each week. Against good advice and better judgement, I've weighed myself multiple times throughout the last few weeks. It has been discouraging watching my weight go up and down over the last couple of weeks. I'm so lucky to have friends on this journey with me, supporting and encouraging me every step of the way. This week I've needed many pep talks!

In the weeks to come, I plan on reevaluating my diet and exercise routine. I want to try some new approaches to improve my weekly weight loss outcome.