Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mommy and Troy Time

I love spending time with my sweet pea! I think it is so important to for each child to have their own special time where you can give them the undivided attention they need.

Sometimes when I take my daughter to dance class, Troy and I can go spend time together just the two of us. It's only for an hour, but it's still precious one-on-one time.

On this particular outing, we decided to go to a beach in Carlsbad, which is only minutes from Scarlett's dance class. We picked up shells and rocks, made sand angels and other designs, and of course ran around as fast as we could with our hands in the air. Occasionally, Troy would stop and stare at the ocean, just soaking it all in. Then he would look back at me and give me a sweet smile of pure love and joy. These moments are truly magical.   

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