Friday, November 6, 2015

Italian Date Night In

Date nights are incredibly important to my husband and me. Every couple should make time for each other a priority (which I know is not always easy with kids and work).

Sometimes we don't have a babysitter or the money to go out whenever we want, so we have to  get creative.

For an Italian date night in; grab a bottle of wine, some cheeses, olives, bread, and fruit (avocado doesn't fit the theme, we just love avocado). Theme nights are fun, creative and the thought put into the date makes it really special. You can make it a surprise for your spouse or plan it out with them.

We did a few Italian date nights in preparation for our trip to Italy last September. We were doing an online program to learn the language, so we made Italian food together, drank some vino and practiced the language. It was a blast! But it's also fun to watch a movie as well (which is what we were doing in the picture above). Salute!

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