Thursday, September 3, 2015

Cinnamon Crisps

Here's what you can do with those leftover tortilla scraps:

 Step 1: Place your leftover tortilla scraps in a large bowl.

Step 2: Add butter cinnamon and sugar (amount depends on how many scraps you have). I had a smaller batch  so I used 3tbsp butter, 1 tbsp cinnamon and 2 tbsp white sugar.

Step 3: Mix until the tortilla scraps until they are coated with all of the ingredients.

 Step 4: Place on cookie sheet in an even layer and put in the oven (375degrees).

Step 6: Bake until golden brown and crispy. Let cool.

Step 7: You can enjoy them as a sweet snack or serve with vanilla ice cream. For parties, it's fun to serve in a martini glass. Enjoy! 

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