Saturday, February 28, 2015

Flying Birthday Surprise

I wasn't sure what to do for my son Troy's 3rd birthday. I knew I wanted to do something a little extra special because of our recent move from California to Washington. Being away from family and friends ruled out throwing a big birthday party (which is what I would normally do).

My husband and my son have the same birthday, which is incredibly sweet and special, but also makes planning a little more complicated. Finding something a 3 year old and a 33year old would equally enjoy is not an easy task to say the least.

Then it hit me! My husband has always enjoyed going indoor skydiving and what kid wouldn't want to fly around like peter pan?! At first I was worried about the age limit but I soon discovered that anyone can fly age 3 to 103.

I kept this all a surprise until pulling up to the building. Needless to say, my hubby and son were overjoyed with excitement! They had a blast!

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