Monday, August 17, 2015

Vision Boards

Vision boards are a great way to creatively organize and prioritize your dreams, goals and intentions. Many people believe that you can manifest your own destiny by visualizing yourself accomplishing and achieving all that you desire (the law of attraction).

A vision board is usually placed somewhere you will see on a regular basis. It should remind and motivate you to continue striving to achieve that which is most significant to you.

What you need:

Poster Board
Watercolor Paint and brush
Magazine Cutouts or Prints


Paint the board with a background that is significant to you and let dry. Try not to do a very busy background because you want your vision pictures to stand out.

Print or cut out images that represent your goals, dreams, and intentions that  are meaningful to you. I printed out images that represent areas of my life that I need to work on achieving. For example; I printed out pictures of Italy (it has always been a dream of mine to travel to Italy). I also printed out pictures of dancers (I haven't danced in a long time and have been wanting to take dance classes with my husband and by myself but never make the time for it). There are many significant images on my board as you can see, and I also put some meaningful quotes that I felt I needed to be reminded of on a daily basis.

Pin your board up in a place you can see often. If you want your vision board to be private, hide it somewhere safe (under the bed or in the closet) and take it out daily to gaze over the pictures and visualize yourself in all that you see on your board.

*Have fun with this project! Make it a girls night, night with your significant other, or just a night for yourself. Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, this is a worthwhile activity in all walks of life.

1 comment:

  1. I've done this and loved it! Have it hanging up on my wall right now! Great idea for a girls' night.
