Saturday, March 21, 2015

Alice Keck Park

Alice Keck Park is in Santa Barbara CA, and is one of my all time favorite parks! It's just breathtakingly beautiful.

It's a perfect park for a family picnic. The flowers and trees throughout this park are gorgeous there's a duck pond in the middle of the park that has turtles, ducks, frogs, and different kinds of fish for the kids to feed and look at. However there's no fence around the pond, so watch your kids! Our daughter Scarlett actually did fall into the pond one time and made quite the scene. She was 5 years old at the time and when we pulled her out, the pond water went up to her neck.

At first when Brendan and I pulled Scarlett out of the pond she cried "how could this happen to such a sweet Scarlett"!?! Yes, she referred to herself in the third person. But then on the ride home she said "I can't stop my mouth from smiling".  I'm glad she was able to giggle at herself  (we all did after she was rescued). When we got home she got a shower, a bath, and another shower. Ponds may be pretty to look at, but they're disgusting to swim in. We don't recommend it. 

Alice Keck Park is also just as perfect for a romantic day date out with your honey bunny. It's where my husband and I had our third date. 

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