Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Wine and Chocolate Henna Party

If you're looking for a fun night in with your friends, look no further. Henna parties are great for moms groups, birthday parties, and ladies night in.

When I did my first Henna party, I was hosting a group of women that I was just starting to get to know in a city we had just moved to. I thought that this would be a good ice breaker. Sometimes anxiety and shyness can get the best of us when meeting new people (especially as an adult) and there's so much pressure to present your best self.

Getting the henna tattoos gave the party a focus point. It took the pressure off of figuring out what to talk about at all times. Everything flowed easily. We all got to flip through a book of henna tattoos to pick our own, and it was fun comparing and sharing ideas.

I hired a lady to come do the henna tattoos, but there are also kits you can buy to do your own or on each other. I served wine and set up my chocolate fountain for a fun moms night in. We all had a blast getting to know each other and getting our beautiful henna tattoos!

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