Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wednesday to Wednesday Weight Loss and Wellness



The time has come to make some changes! I've been overweight since giving birth to my Son (my second child) and I haven't been able to lose the extra weight over the last 5 years since. Unfortunately, I've actually gained an extra 20lbs on top of what I weighed after my pregnancy. As I have come to find out, this is not uncommon for many mothers. I currently weigh 191lbs. I am only 5'3, so that is quite a lot of weight for my height and frame. My goal is to weigh around 125lbs. This may seem like an overly ambitious goal, but it was my weight on my wedding day and a time in my life when I felt the healthiest. I am open to the possibility that I may still feel just as healthy at a slightly higher weight, so if that turns out to be the case I will adjust my goal weight. Ultimately, the purpose of my weight loss and wellness journey is to lead a healthy and active life and to feel good inside and out (regardless of the number on the scale).

My best friend, Chrissy, is also a mother who has struggled with her weight and wellness after having children and she will be joining me on this journey. She's a tremendous inspiration to me and is always cheering me on and I'm overjoyed to have her by my side through this experience. Together, I know we can do anything!

Chrissy and I are going to hold ourselves publicly accountable in our efforts to lead a healthier lifestyle. Hopefully others can benefit from our experiences, and information we gain along the way.  We will be keeping a food and exercise journal with the help of the My Fitness Pal app and Fitbit. We will have different goals for each week that we'll pay extra attention to, comparing notes, and sharing our success and struggles throughout this journey. We'll be experimenting with recipes, workouts, classes, scheduling, etc, to find out what works best for us along the way.

I've tried many fad diets, supplements, shakes, wraps, and programs without a ton of success, wasting time and money.  And every time I've tried eliminating all of the foods that I enjoy from my diet, I never end up sticking with it. My hope is to keep many of the foods that I love and still lose weight  by focusing \on portion size, healthy alternatives, calorie counting and exercise. I recognize that I need to start making some healthier choices and breaking bad habits, but I still want to enjoy my food with family and friends.  

What Chrissy and I are attempting, is a lifestyle makeover! Taking a holistic approach by focusing on all aspects of the body and what it means to lead a healthy and active life. Body, mind and spirit.

Chrissy and I will be keeping this online journal until we reach our weight loss goals. We will alternate each week and focus on different goals specific to that week. We will be experimenting with different foods, recipes, and mind and body exercises. Our ultimate goal is to lead a balanced and healthy life.

We're starting on a Wednesday at the end of June (half way through the week and year) because if we're always waiting to start on a Monday at the first of the month or trying really hard only to get a new body by Summer by a certain date, we know we'll be setting ourselves up for failure. We're not going to let setbacks or bad days take over or use that as an excuse for giving up. It is time to make a change starting with unrealistic expectations! 

Week 1

Goal #1: This week I will be focusing on writing down everything that I eat and drink (and I mean EVERYTHING). I have never kept a food journal for more than two days because I find it tedious and boring. However, if I don't have a clear picture of what I'm eating and how many calories I'm consuming, I'll never be able to make the necessary changes to lose weight and eat healthier.

Goal #2: I am going to try and eat breakfast everyday. I currently don't eat breakfast. I drink coffee and cream but that's pretty much it. By the time I eat lunch I'm starving and eat way too much. I realize that the research on the importance of eating breakfast isn't necessarily definitive, but I'm hoping it will be an overall healthy change in my diet and it will help me eat less throughout the day.

Wednesday, June 29th

Starting Weight: 191`

Breakfast: Granola Bar

Lunch: Cantina Power Burrito

Dinner: Enchilada Casserole with homemade Cilantro Dressing/Dip

Water: 7 Cups 

Exercise: Elliptical and Treadmill 40 min (20 on each) and Trampoline with Troy for about 1 hour
 Steps: 7, 546

Total Calories Consumed: 1,756
Total Calories Burned: 675

Thursday, June 30th

Breakfast: Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
                  Pink Grapefruit (with 1tsp of sugar sprinkled on top)
                  1Slice of Whole Grain Toast (with 2tsp of butter)

Lunch: Baked Salmon (6oz)
            1 Cup of Quinoa (Steamed)
            1 Cup of Arugula 
            Lemon Dill Dressing (mayo, fresh squeezed lemon, dried dill weed)

Dinner: Cheese Burger (no fries)

Drinks: Strawberry Lemonade

Water: 8 Cups 

Steps: 10,138

Total Calories Consumed: 1,488
Total Calories Burned: 516

Friday, July 1st 

Breakfast: Coffee with Cream
                 Strawberry Short Cake with whipped cream and Strawberries

Lunch: BLT Sandwich with Avocado

Dinner: Hotdog with Mustard
             Greek Salad

Snacks: 1 Pickle, Sml Popcorn, Icee Slushy, Ice Cream

Water: 8 Cups

Exercise: 45 min on the Elliptical

Steps: 6,978

Total Calories Consumed: 1,966
Total Calories Burned: 690

Saturday, July 2nd

Breakfast: Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
                  Pink Grapefruit (with 1tsp of sugar sprinkled on top)

Lunch: Breakfast Burrito with Veggies and Egg-whites

Dinner: Turkey Burger with Blue Cheese
              Spicy Italian Sausage
              Red Cabbage Salad

Drinks: 3 Mojitos 

Snacks: Maui Onion Rings (1 bag)

Water: 6 cups

Exercise: Walking and Swimming

Steps:  17,052

Total Calories Consumed: 2,292
Total Calories Burned: 1,497

Sunday, July 3rd

Breakfast: Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
                  2 Fried eggs on  PC Thins with Avocado. Onion and Onion (with 1tbsp of Mayo)

Lunch: Seared Ahi Tuna Salad
            Fried Calamari (15 Pieces)
            Caprese Salad
            Fries (Poutine)

Dinner: No Dinner (because of the large lunch)

Dessert: Chocolate fondue with Fruit
              1 Slice of Homemade Banana Bread

Water: 6 cups

Exercise: 3 mile walk (up and down hills) and Swimming for 1 hour

Steps: Battery Died

Total Calories Consumed: 1,962
Total Calories Burned: 1,107

Monday, July 4th

Breakfast:  Coffee with Cream (4tbsp of cream)
                  2 Fried eggs on  PC Thins with Avocado. Onion and Onion (with 1tbsp of Mayo)

Lunch: Sushi Rolls (about 10 pieces), Miso Soup, and Veggie Tempura 

Dinner: 2 Pieces of Grilled Chicken, Bacon Wrapped Sausage, Grilled Portabello Mushroom, Cucumber and Tomato Salad.

Drinks: 2 Rum and Coke Zero

Water: 8 Cups

Steps: 8,720

Total Calories Consumed: 2,266
Total Calories Burned: 362

Tuesday, July 5th

Breakfast: Granola Breakfast Bar

Lunch: 1 Chicken Soft Taco and 1 Steak Soft Taco

Dinner: Pasta with Vodka Sauce and Meatballs, Grilled Artichoke with Lemon Dill Dip.

Snack: 1 Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Water: 5 Cups 

Exercise: 45 min on the Elliptical

Steps: 10,832

Total Calories Consumed:1,911

Total Calories Burned:1,308
Wednesday Weigh-In and Week Overview 

Ending Weight: 189.5

Total Weight Loss for the week: 1.5lbs

Overall I lost weight so I will call that a success! I still have such a long way to go and with the amount of weight I have to loose, I most likely could've lost more. Food journaling is definitely hard for me, but I am realizing that I have to start making healthier choices and drinking more water if I want to see bigger changes. This was a rough week to lose weight. I traveled to Canada with my family to visit my sister (so lots of eating out and treats) and celebrating Independence Day with friends at a potluck party. I'm very proud of myself for eating breakfast everyday, journaling, exercising more and loosing 1.5lbs! This is only the beginning!


  1. Amy and Chrissy im so proud of you guys! I love the idea of food journaling and keeping track of your goals. It helps so much to have a partner in this. Keep up the good work!!
